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This page is a decent starting point for Emma research, though it is by no means comprehensive. It includes a general bibliography for Emma criticism, analyses, and adaptation-related writings. For more information, check your local city, county, and university library systems, snoop around bookstores, and cover the web resources which.

A Partial Emma Bibliography

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General Emma Bibliography

This is an alphabetical listing of books and other materials relating to Emma. Edited editions of the novel are listed by editor's name(s).

  1. Berendsen, Marjet. Reading character in Jane Austen's Emma. Assen, Netherlands: Van Gorcum, 1991.
  2. Birtwistle, Sue, and Susie Conklin. The making of Jane Austen's Emma. London: Penguin, 1996.
  3. Bloom, Harold, ed. Jane Austen's Emma. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, Modern critical interpretations [series],1987.
  4. Bradbrook, Frank W. Jane Austen: Emma. London: Edward Arnold, Studies in English Literature, no. 3 [series], 1961].
  5. Bradbrook, Frank W. Jane Austen: Emma. Great Neck, N.Y.: Barron's Educational Series, inc., 1961.
  6. Boles, Carolyn G. Jane Austen and the reader: rhetorical techniques in Northanger Abbey, Pride and prejudice, and Emma. School of Graduate and Professional Studies of the Emporia State University, 1981.
  7. Burrows, J. F. (John Frederick). Jane Austen's Emma. Sydney: Sydney University Press, Sydney studies in lierature [series], 1968.
  8. Caedmon: The Cambridge treasury of English prose: Austen to Bronte, vol. 2 [series], 1958.
  9. Chapman, R.W., ed. The Oxford Illustrated Jane Austen: The Novels of Jane Austen in Five Volumes: Emma [Vol. IV]. Oxford. New York: The Oxford University press, 1923-1988.
  10. Cookson, Linda, and Brian Loughrey, eds. Critical essays on Emma [of] Jane Austen. Harlow: Longman Literature Guides [series], 1988.
  11. Craik, W. A. The Development of Jane Austen's comic art: Emma: Jane Austen's mature comic art. London: Audio Learning, 1978. Sound recording; 1 cassette; 2-track. mono.
  12. Gard, Roger, [1936- ]. Jane Austen, Emma and Persuasion. Harmondsworth : Penguin, Penguin masterstudies [series], 1985.
  13. Jefferson, D. W. (Douglas William), [1912- ]. Jane Austen's Emma: a landmark in English fiction. London: Chatto and Windus for Sussex University Press, Text and context [series], 1977.
  14. Lauritzen, Monica. Jane Austen's Emma on television: a study of a BBC classic serial. Goteborg, Sweden: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, Gothenburg studies in English, 48 [series], 1981.
  15. Lodge, David, ed. [1935- ]. Jane Austen: Emma: a casebook. London & Basingstoke: Macmillan, Casebook [series],1968, 1970, 1991.
  16. MacKaye, Marion (Morse) Mrs. [1872-1939]. Emma, a play by Marion Morse MacKaye (Mrs. Percy MacKaye) founded on Jane Austen's novel. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1941.
  17. Monaghan, David, ed. Emma, by Jane Austen. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1992.
  18. Parrish, Stephen M, ed. Emma: an authoritative text: backgrounds, reviews, and criticism. New York : W.W. Norton, A Norton critical edition [series], 1972,1993.
  19. Sabiston, Elizabeth Jean, [1937- ]. The Prison of Womanhood: four provincial heroines in nineteenth-century fiction. London : Macmillan, 1987.
  20. Shannon, Edgar Finley, [1918- ]. Emma: character and construction. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, Modern Language Association of America Publication, v. 71, no. 4, pt. 1 [series], 1956.
  21. Turner, John Brian Eustace. Jane Austen: Emma. Bath, Somerset: J. Brodie, Notes on chosen English Texts [series], 195-.

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Articles and Dissertations

  1. Adams, Timothy Dow. "To Know the Dancer from the Dance: Dance as a Metaphor of Marriage in Four Novels of Jane Austen." Studies in the Novel. 1982 Spring, 14:1, 55-65.
  2. Alexander, Peter F. "'Robin Adair' as a musical clue in Jane Austen's Emma." Review of English Studies. February, 1988.
  3. Belton, Ellen R. "Mystery without murder: the detective plots of Jane Austen", Nineteenth-Century Literature. June, 1988.
  4. Bennett, Paula. Family Relationships in the Novels of Jane Austen. Dissertation, 1981.
  5. Benson, Mary Margaret. "Mothers, Substitute Mothers, and Daughters in the Novels of Jane Austen." Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America. 1989 Dec. 16, 11, 117-124.
  6. Bloom, Donald A. "Dwindling into Wifehood: The Romantic Power of the Witty Heroine in Shakespeare, Dryden, Congreve, and Austen." 53-79 in Gail Finney (ed.), Look Who's Laughing: Gender and Comedy (Studies in Humor and Gender 1). Gordon and Breach, 1994.
  7. Bogosian, Ezekiel [1905-]. The perfect gentleman: a study of an esthetic type in the novels of Richardson, Jane Austen, Trollope, and Henry James. University of California Berkeley, dissertation, 1937.
  8. Booth, Wayne C. "Emma, Emma, and the Question of Feminism." Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America. 1983 Dec., 5, 29-40.
  9. Brown, Carole O. "Dwindling into a Wife: A Jane Austen Heroine Grows Up." International Journal of Women's Studies. 1982 Nov.-Dec., 5:5, 460-469.
  10. Creese, Richard. "Austen's Emma." Explicator. 1986 Winter, 44:2, 21-23.
  11. Crosby, Christina. "Facing the Charms of Emma." New Orleans Review. 1989 Spring, 16:1, 88-97.
  12. Dash, Irene G. "Emma Crosses the Channel", Names: Journal of the American Name Society. 1983 Sept., 31:3, 191-196.
  13. Davies, J. M. Q. "Emma as Charade and the Education of the Reader." Philological Quarterly. 1986 Spring, 65:2, 231-242.
  14. Davis, Patricia D. "Jane Austen's Use of Frank Churchill's Letters in Emma." Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America. 1988 Dec. 16, 10, 34-38.
  15. DeForest, Mary. "Mrs. Elton and the Slave Trade", Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America. 1987 Dec. 16, 9, 11-13.
  16. DePaolo, Rosemary. "From Howtoits to Whodunits: Jane Austen to Agatha Christie." Clues: A Journal of Detection. 1981 Fall-Winter, 2:2, 8-14.
  17. Derry, Stephen. "Emma, The Maple, and Spenser's Garden of Adonis." Notes and Queries. 1993 Dec, 40 (238):4, 467.
  18. Flavin, Louise. "Free Indirect Discourse and the Clever Heroine of Emma." Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America. 1991 Dec 16, 13, 50-57.
  19. Fleishman, Avrom. "Two Faces of Emma." Women and Literature. 1983, 3, 248-256.
  20. Fried, Cathy. "Some Notes on the 'Parish Business' in Emma." Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America. 1979 Dec., 1, 17, 24.
  21. Gibbs, Christine. "Absent Fathers: An Examination of Father-Daughter Relationships in Jane Austen's Novels." Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America. 1986 Dec., 8, 45-50.
  22. Gilson, David. "A Cancel in Jane Austen's Emma 1816." The Book Collector. 1991 Winter, 40:4, 579.
  23. Gipson, Betty Jean. Revolution in the Rectory: A Study of the Clergymen in the Novels of Jane Austen and Charlotte Brontë, Dissertation, 1985.
  24. Groves, David. "The Two Picnics in Emma." Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America. 1983 Dec., 5, 6-7.
  25. Havely, Cicely Palser. "Emma: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman." English: The Journal of the English Association. 1993 Fall, 42:174, 221-37.
  26. Kenney, Catherine. "The Mystery of Emma: Or, The Consummate Case of the Least Likely Heroine." Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America. 1991 Dec 16, 13, 138-45.
  27. Kohn, Denise. "Reading Emma as a lesson on `ladyhood': a study in the domestic 'Bildungsroman.'" Essays in Literature. Spring, 1995.
  28. Lank, Edith. "'The Word Was Blunder': Who Was Harriet Smith's Mother?" Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America. 1985 Dec., 7, 14-15.
  29. Lenta, Margaret. "Jane Fairfax and Jane Eyre: Educating Women." Ariel: A Review of International English Literature. 1981 Oct., 12:4, 27-41.
  30. Litvak, Joseph. "Reading Characters: Self, Society, and Text in Emma." PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America. 1985 Oct., 100:5, 763-773.
  31. Loveridge, Mark. "Francis Hutcheson and Mr. Weston's Conundrum in Emma." Notes and Queries. 1983 June, 30 (228):3, 214-216.
  32. Lundeen, Kathleen. "A Modest Proposal? Paradise Found in Jane Austen's Betrothal Scenes." Review of English Studies: A Quarterly Journal of English Literature and the English Language. 1990 Feb., 41:161, 65-75.
  33. Mallett, Phillip. "On Liking Emma," Durham University Journal. 1992 July, 53:2, 249-54.
  34. Mandel, Miriam B. "Fiction and Fiction-Making: Emma." Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America. 1991 Dec 16, 13, 100-03.
  35. McAleer, John. "What a Biographer Can Learn about Jane Austen from Emma." Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America. 1991 Dec 16, 13, 69-81.
  36. McKellar, Hugh D. "'The Profession of a Clergyman.'" Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America. 1985 Dec., 7, 28-34.
  37. McMaster, Juliet. "The Children in Emma." Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America. 1992 Dec 16, 14, 62-67.
  38. McMaster, Juliet. "The Secret Languages of Emma." Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America. 1991 Dec 16, 13, 119-31.
  39. Moffat, Wendy. "Identifying with Emma: Some problems for the feminist reader." College English. Jan 1991.
  40. Monk, Leland. "Murder She Wrote: The Mystery of Jane Austen's Emma." Journal of Narrative Technique. 1990 Fall, 20:3, 342-353.
  41. Morgan, Susan. "Why There's No Sex in Jane Austen's Fiction." Studies in the Novel. 1987 Fall, 19:3, 346-356.
  42. Morgan, Susanand Susan Kneedler. "Austen's Sexual Politics." Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America. 1990 Dec. 16, 12, 19-23.
  43. Murray, James Gregory. "Measure and Balance in Jane Austen's Emma." College English. (1954:Dec).
  44. Myer, Valerie Grosvenor. "'Caro Sposo' at the Ball: Jane West and Jane Austen's Emma." Notes and Queries. 1982 June, 29 (227):3, 208.
  45. Neill, Edward. "Between Deference and Destruction: `Situations' of Recent Critical Theory and Jane Austen's Emma," Critical Quarterly. 1987 Autumn, 29:3, 39-54.
  46. Nesbit, Euan. "In Retrospect: Emma and The Climate of London." Nature. Vol. 392, July, 1997.
  47. Okin, Susan Moller. "Patriarchy and Married Women's Property in England: Questions on Some Current Views", Eighteenth Century Studies. 1983-1984 Winter, 17:2, 121-138.
  48. Page, Alex. "`Straightforward Emotions and Zigzag Embarrassments' in Austen's Emma", 559-574 in James Engell (ed.), Johnson and His Age. Harvard UP, 1984.
  49. Parker, Mark. "The End of Emma: Drawing the Boundaries of Class in Austen", Journal of English and Germanic Philology. 1992 July, 91:3, 344-59.
  50. Perry, Ruth. "Interrupted Friendships in Jane Austen's Emma," Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature. 1986 Fall, 5:2, 185-202.
  51. Pickrel, Paul. "Emma as Sequel," Nineteenth Century Literature. 1985 Sept., 40:2, 135-153.
  52. Pickrel, Paul. "Lionel Trilling and Emma: A Reconsideration," Nineteenth Century Literature. 1985 Dec., 40:3, 297-311.
  53. Potter, Tiffany F. "'A Low but Very Feeling Tone': The Lesbian Continuum and Power Relations in Jane Austen's Emma," English Studies in Canada. 1994 June, 20:2, 187-203.
  54. Preus, Nicholas E. "Sexuality in Emma: A Case History", Studies in the Novel. 1991 Summer, 23:2, 196-216.
  55. Reid-Walsh, Jacqueline. "Governess or Governor?: The Mentor/Pupil Relation in Emma," Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America. 1991 Dec 16, 13, 108-17.
  56. Reitzel, William. "Sir Walter Scott's Review of Jane Austen's Emma," PMLA, Publications of the Modern Language Association. 1928.
  57. Restuccia, Frances L. "A Black Morning: Kristevan Melancholia in Jane Austen's Emma," American Imago. 1994 Winter, 51:4, 447-69.
  58. Rogers, Pat. "'Caro Sposo': Mrs. Elton, Burneys, Thrales, and Noels", Review of English Studies: A Quarterly Journal of English Literature and the English Language. 1994 Feb, 45:177, 70-75.
  59. Rosmarin, Adena. "'Misreading' Emma: The Powers and Perfidies of Interpretative History," ELH. 1984 Summer, 51:2, 315-342.
  60. Sabor, Peter. "'Finished up to Nature': Walter Scott's Review of Emma," Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America. 1991 Dec 16, 13, 88-99.
  61. Schott, Max. "The Scene at the White Hart Inn," Spectrum (Univ. of California, Santa Barbara). 1985, 27:1-2, 87-92.
  62. Selwyn, E. G. "Jane Austen's Clergymen", Church Quarterly Review. (1959).
  63. Shaffer, Julie Andrea. Confronting Conventions of the Marriage Plot: The Dialogic Discourse of Jane Austen's Novels, Dissertation. 1990.
  64. Shaffer, Julie. "Not Subordinate: Empowering Women in the Marriage-Plot -- The Novels of Frances Burney, Maria Edgeworth, and Jane Austen", Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts. 1992 Winter, 34:1, 51-73.
  65. Smith, Mack. "The Document of Falsimilitude: Frank's Epistles and Misinterpretation in Emma," Massachusetts Studies in English. 1984, 9:4, 52-70.
  66. Spacks, Patricia Meyer. "Women and Boredom: The Two Emmas" [Emma Bovary, Emma Woodhouse], The Yale Journal of Criticism: Interpretation in the Humanities. 1989 Spring, 2:2, 191-205.
  67. Stewart, Ralph. "Fairfax, Churchill, and Jane Austen's Emma," University of Hartford Studies in Literature: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Criticism. 1982, 14:3, 96-100.
  68. Stout, Janis P. "Jane Austen's Proposal Scenes and the Limitations of Language," Studies in the Novel. 1982 Winter, 14:4, 316-326.
  69. Stovel, Bruce. "Emma's Search for a True Friend," Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America. 1991 Dec 16, 13, 58-67.
  70. Swanson, Janice M. Bowman. Speaking in a Mother Tongue: Female Friendship in the British Novel, Dissertation. 1982.
  71. Thaden, Barbara Z. "Figure and Ground: The Receding Heroine in Jane Austen's Emma," South Atlantic Review. 1990 Jan., 55:1, 47-62.
  72. Tobin, Beth Fowkes. "The Moral and Political Economy of Property in Austen's Emma," Eighteenth Century Fiction. 1990 Apr., 2:3, 229-254.
  73. Tobin, Mary Elisabeth Fowkes. "Aiding Impoverished Gentlewomen: Power and Class in Emma," Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts. 1988 Fall, 30:4, 413-430.
  74. Tsomondo, Thorell. "Emma: A Study in Textual Strategies," English Studies in Africa: A Journal of the Humanities. 1987, 30:2, 69-82.
  75. Tumbleson, Ray. "'It is Like a Woman's Writing': The Alternative Epistolary Novel in Emma," Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America. 1992 Dec 16, 14, 141-43.
  76. Weinsheimer, Joel. "Emma and Its Critics: The Value of Tact," Women and Literature. 1983, 3, 257-272.
  77. Wilkes, G. A. "Unconscious Motives in Jane Austen's Emma," Sydney Studies in English. 1987-1988, 13, 74-89.
  78. Wiltshire, John. "The World of Emma," The Critical Review. 1985, 27, 84-97.
  79. Wright, Andrew. "Jane Austen Adapted," Nineteenth Century Fiction. 1975 Dec., 30, 421-453.
  80. Wye, Margaret Enright. Jane Austen's Emma: Embodied Metaphor as a Cognitive Construct, Dissertation: U of Southern California. 1993.
  81. Zaal, J. "Is Emma Still Teachable?," CRUX: A Journal on the Teaching of English. 1988 Aug., 22:3, 61-68.

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