Last updated: 1/5/2025
© 1996-2025 Kaliopi Pappas

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Emma 3

This page includes the dance descriptions for the English country dances from Emma 3. I've also included descriptions for "Mr. Beveridge's Maggot", "Auretti's Dutch Skipper," and "Jacob Hall's Jig" from Emma 2. Most transcriptions are provided by Hugh Stewart at The Round's Palmer's Pocket Playford.

Emma 3 Dances

When you're finished here, you may want to go back to the Emma 3 music page.

For an interesting perspective on the dancing in Emmas 2 and 3, visit this section at


In the following descriptions, unless otherwise stated:

L = left, R = right, sk.s. = skipping step.

Auretti's Dutch Skipper


1st couple lead through 2nd couple and cast up to place

1st couple turn two hands

2nd couple lead up through 1st couple and cast down to place

2nd couple turn two hands

1st corners turn two hands

2nd corners turn two hands

Three changes circular hey (right-and-left), beginning with partner

The Hole in the Wall

Longways, Triple time

1st couple cast down and lead back.

2nd couple cast up and lead back.

1st corners cross; 2nd corners cross.

Hands-4 half way round; 1st couple cast down while 2nd couple lead up.

Jack's Maggot


1st man goes the hey with the two women.

1st woman goes the hey with the two men.

R hands across; L hands across.

1st corners cross, 2nd corners cross; hands-4 half way round, 1st couple cast down while 2nd couple lead up.

Jacob Hall's Jig

Longways, fast

1st man turn 2nd woman R, partner L; then 1st couple and 2nd woman circle, hands three, counterclockwise.

2nd man turn 1st woman L, partner R; then 2nd couple and 1st woman circle, hands three, clockwise.

1st couple lead down, change hands, lead up and join hands with second couple in line of 4 facing up; forward a double and back; 1st couple falling into 2nd place.

Circle hands 4 once around; 1st couple lead up and cast down.

Juice of Barley


Partners back to back; 2 hand turn.

Men cross between women, 1st man leading, and cast back into each other's places; all clap and hands-4 once round.

Women cross between men, 1st woman leading, and cast back into each other's places; all clap and hands-4 once round.

Kelsterne Gardens

Longways, for three couples

All mirror hey, first couple going between second couple to begin

1st and 2nd couple double figure-8: 1st couple cross down through center and move up outside while 2nd coupel cast up outside and cross through center; continue until all are in original places

1st and 2nd couples circle four-hands once round

1st couple cast one place while 2nd couple lead up

1st and 3rd couples circle four-hands once round

1st couple cast one place while 3rd couple lead up

Mr Beveridge's Maggot


Mr Isaac's Maggot

(Used in part in the final dance at the Harvest Supper...)

Longways, Triple time

1st man turns 2nd woman R and backs clockwise round 2nd man to place.

1st woman turns 2nd man L and backs anticlockwise round 2nd woman to place.

All fall back 6, and forward to places, turning single on last 3 steps.

Circular hey 3 changes, partners facing, finishing in line facing up, 1st couple in middle.

All lead up in line 3 steps and fall back 3 steps; all lead up again, 2nd couple stay in 1st place, while 1st couple cast down.

Step Stately

(Used in part in the final dance at the Harvest Supper...)

3 couple longways

Lead up a double, men slip R in front of partners, who slip L; men join hands and women join hands, in lines facing out, 1st couple lead lines round into line of 6 facing up (1st couple in middle). Forward a double and back; women pass to R in front of men and all return to places. Repeat.

1st couple lead up a double (inside hands), lead back; hands - 4 half way with 2nd couple, 1st man crosses with 2nd woman. Women give L hands and cross up between men, 1st woman leading, and fall back to stand behind the contrary man; men pass giving R hands and turn partners L into progressed places. Repeat with 3rd couple.

Same with 2nd couple leading, then 3rd couple.

1st couple cross over, cast into 2nd place and cross again; men's line and women's line fall back a double and come forward with end couples only crossing over and facing out. 1st couple lead up to top, while 2nd couple (at top) cast to middle and 3rd couple (at bottom) loop down and return to 3rd place, then 1st couple cast to bottom place, others following to invert the set; 1st couple arm R, while others hands - 4 half way.

Same with 2nd couple leading, then 3rd couple

Finale same as introduction, but once only.

Haste to the Wedding

Although this dance was not used in Emma 3 (at least, not wholly), Lindsay believes the tune was used for a Harvest Supper background dance. Information on the English version of the dance can be found at The Scottish version is here: (scroll down to find it) See the main Emma 3 music page for more information...