Oh, I want to retemplate this thing SO BADLY…

But I don’t have time to deal with site redesigns right now.  /nonsequitur.  You may have noticed that Storied is gone.  The initial wave of interest dissipated, and I decided I didn’t want to deal with constant Joomla and plugin updates if nobody was actively using the site.

Emma bidness.  I’ve noticed a fair amount of Miss Woodhouse-inspired items listed on Etsy.  My favorite so far is this tiny Emma Woodhouse Mouse.

And whilst I lag on my own Emma 4 episode 3/4 screencaps, you can peruse other people’s.  Laurel Ann discovered a huge collection of E4 caps on Livejournal.

Also.  Masterpiece Classic has an Emma 4 site up.  Airdates will be sundays, January 24-February 7, 2010.

Random updates to the Emma Adaptations Pages to follow.

Haunted Mansion What?

Kali and friends at the Mansion's 30th anniversary festivities, 1999.
Kali and friends at the Mansion's 30th anniversary festivities, 1999.

So I’ve been woefully out of touch with the Haunted Mansion scene lately, partly because I don’t have time and partly because I’m sick to death of the merch-o-rama effect that surrounds every attraction milestone.  I didn’t attend the 40th anniversary festivities that coincided with the D23 Expo back in September, but I did find this cute interactive Haunted Mansion feature at the Disney site.  It features a version of Rolly Crump’s Corridor of Doors wallpaper (for your desktop – basically a larger version of what I offer at Better Haunts & Graveyards), a video clip on the mansion, a stretching portrait gag, little photo galleries, and more.  Oh, and it also features my Disney alterego,  Marc Davis’ April D., morphing from April to June to September to December.  🙂

Go there…

More from the set of Ayesha…

Trak.in reports that Ayesha is forty percent shot:

“New Delhi, Oct 22 (IANS) Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor, who was in the capital for over a month to shoot for her upcoming venture ‘Ayesha’, says the film is 40 percent complete.

‘We are done with 40 percent of the shooting for ‘Ayesha’ and now we will resume the rest in Mumbai,’ Sonam told IANS here.

‘Ayesha’ has been shot across the capital as well as in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand.

Made under the banner of her father actor-producer Anil Kapoor, the movie is being produced by her sister Rhea.

Also starring Abhay Deol in the lead, ‘Ayesha’ is an adaptation of Jane Austen’s novel ‘Emma’ and is about the perils of misconstrued romance.”

Here’s an interesting interview with one of the stars of Ayesha, Abhay Deol (“Mr. Knightley”):  “Call me casual”

“Abhay’s been shooting for Aisha – the film based on Jane Austen’s Emma in which he’s cast opposite Sonam Kapoor – in Delhi too. Is this his attempt to do offbeat stuff? “I don’t see my work as offbeat. It’s something I like to do and am comfortable with,” he said. But he does do offbeat stuff – like going off to the US for a welding course just after the success of Dev. D? “I did, and I also think it’s logical for me to take a break if I’ve shot three films back-to-back,” he answered.”

Emma 4 – Episodes 3 and 4 Recap

I first published this review in October of 2009 when Emma aired on the BBC, so some of the links and broadcast references will be out of date.

I apologize for lagging on the latest updates, but I’m pretty sure I’m only inconveniencing maybe three people, all of whom have actually watched the adaptation already.  Industry, patience, blah blah blah. ANYWAY.

My initial enthusiasm for this adaptation has not only returned, it has been surpassed.  Episode one showed promise, episode two was a teense off-putting, episode three brought the excitement back, and episode four hit the ball out of the park!

Continue reading “Emma 4 – Episodes 3 and 4 Recap”

Emma 4 Episode 3 – Getting GOOD!

I haven’t bothered with the screencaps yet, but I will say that the latest BBC Emma installment really picked up the pace.  Busy weekend means I can’t update properly just yet, but on Monday or Tuesday I’ll be back with a vengeance.  Two episodes in one blow!

Awesome Emma 4 hair review…

…by Vic of Jane Austen’s World.  Consider appropriate men’s and women’s hairstyles for the period, including headgear.  Check it out!

I’ll be watching Episode 3 very soon.  After 4 airs, I’m going to attempt an addendum to my Emma costume piece to cover this latest BBC adaptation…

Emma in Seattle, Collecting Emma, PLUS Thoughts on Episode 2…

I first published this review in October of 2009 when Emma aired on the BBC, so some of the links and broadcast references will be out of date.

The Book-It Reperatory Theatre in Seattle is presenting a version of Emma from 10/22-11/22. More information here and here.

For those watching the Emma collectibles market, here is an interesting piece on buying and selling various older editions of the novel.

Now on to Emma 4, episode 2.  But first…

Another caveat – these are random, temporal, stream-of-consciousness thoughts.

I still like this adaptation, though there are certain elements that are starting to get on my nerves.

Continue reading “Emma in Seattle, Collecting Emma, PLUS Thoughts on Episode 2…”

Emma 4 Episode 2 Screenshots!

I’ve uploaded a zillion screencaps from Episode 2.  🙂

Will follow up with some thoughts on this second installment a bit later.  May I just say that I love Mr. Knightley?  Jonny Lee Miller is super.  Yes.  And the perfect age.  Ha.

From the Episode 3 preview, it’s clear there are gonna be alphabet puzzles.  HUZZAH!