So nearly a year ago I promised to piggyback my antique jewelry post with a look at some of my spiffy vintage beaded purses. Most of these purses came from my grandfather, the king of pawns and master of the Bay Area flea market. It’s also possible that one or two of them belonged to my great-aunt Alice.
But FIRST, my awesome silk shawl from the 1920s. This is the famous Shawlhead shawl, ifyouknowwhatImean.
Okay. So onto the purses. First up is a cute, cream-colored purse with machine embroidery and white beading. It has a sparkly clasp and metal chain, and looks to be from the 1960s. There’s no maker or shop mark on the lining to identify it…
Continue reading “Fashion Crap: Vintage beaded purses, anyone?”