Some friends of mine discovered this fun 1950s-inspired paper doll/dollmaker game at DollDivine! There are several fashion, accessory, makeup, and hair options to choose from, making the possible combinations nearly endless.
The pinup avatar I can up with actually resembles me, right down to the bangs, glasses, and platform sandals! I love the little Pomeranian dog friend, but I wish there were kitty options, too. 😀
I’m at this really transitional point, bodywise. I’ve been too small for most dedicated plus lines for years, and yet, I’m only just now finding awesome designer vintage that really fits me ( at 42-32-48″). Luckily, I managed to find two beautiful late ’50s/early ’60s designer pieces that fit me perfectly!
First is a gorgeous coral lace Emma Domb gown, vintage size 16. It’s floor-length with a crossover bodice.
Most people are familiar with Emma Domb’s famous mid century prom dresses and elegant evening wear, but I was a little surprised to learn that the Domb label came out of San Francisco, which essentially makes this dress local to me!
I’m a “list” person. I wasn’t born organized, so I had to develop mechanisms to keep on top of everything. Lists help me remember exactly what I need to do and when, but they’re good for more than that! They’re a way to brainstorm where I want to end up, and how I can get myself there!
Since I moved into my 1963 Jack-in-the-box house last summer, I’ve been busy taking care of the obvious things: taming the back yard, sorting through my junk, and making sure the house is clean and functional. Now that most of that is out of the way, I can think seriously about what I call Phase II – The Paint & Paper Chapter.
Pinup Couture’s Ava dress is available in eight sizes and ten colors.
So you’re having a vintage-style wedding and you want some pretty mid century styles for your bridesmaids. If you want everyone to wear the exact same dress, it’s tricky to find a style that will fit everyone and comes in a color you like. If your choice is basic black, or red, you’ll be able to find something easily in one of the better-known pinup and retro lines. But if your wedding colors are a little more esoteric, you may have trouble.
I’ve found two popular styles that come in an array of colors that are perfect for bridesmaids: Pinup Couture’s Ava dress and the famous 1950s halter circle skirt dress by Vivien of Holloway. Both come in dressy satins, and the Vivien of Holloway halter dress comes in cottons and prints for a more casual day wedding.
Madeleine’s icy white coat, worn by Kim Novak in Vertigo. Scan from an Ebay poster auction.
Anyone who knows me knows I love me some Vertigo. It’s my favorite Hitchcock film. The mystery involved makes it an obvious choice for Halloween, but there’s more to in than that. There’s the local aspect (I’m from Northern California), the Edith Head costumes (which aren’t exclusive to this Hitchcock piece, though they are particularly wonderful in it), and Kim Novak, whom I admire greatly.
She’s not just beautiful, she’s a tremendously sensitive actress. Novak’s very raw, vulnerable portrayal of Judy resonated with me. I could relate. Plus, she looked darn hot as both a rough-edged shop girl and a sanitized stand-in for the very patrician Madeleine Elster.
Planet Pinup spider bow with interchangeable charms.
While gothabilly aesthetics have been strongly represented in the realms of retro and pinup fashion for some time, it takes something truly special to represent the rarified holiday quality of Halloween for this recovering goth girl. Halloween requires something more than black, or bats, or zombies, or skeletons. Sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint exactly what makes something Halloween as opposed to garden variety macabre, and indeed, there is no special formula. For me, it’s a know-it-when-I-see-it kind of thing.
Here are some new, pinup-friendly Halloween-themed pieces that scream Halloween to me…
Writer Alexander McCall Smith – creator of the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency mysteries – is working on a contemporary adaptation of Jane Austen’s Emma for HarperFiction’s Austen Project.
“Writing a contemporary version of Emma is both a privilege and a real challenge,” the author said. “Not only is Emma one of the finest novels in the English language, but it is possibly Jane Austen’s most thought-provoking and interesting book.”
According to HarperFiction,
The Austen Project pairs six bestselling contemporary authors with Jane Austen’s six complete works: Sense & Sensibility, Northanger Abbey, Pride & Prejudice, Emma, Persuasion and Mansfield Park. Taking these well-loved stories as their base, each author will write their own unique take on Jane Austen’s novels.
The first Youtube installment of Emma Approved hit the web today. In the premier webisode of this multimedia adaptation of Jane Austen’s Emma, we meet our eponymous heroine, a bubbly, self-described lifestyle expert and blogger. We discover her professional raisons d’etre and meet her button-down Highbury Partners colleague/buddy, Alex Knightley, and her friend/client, Annie Taylor.
After just a few minutes, Emma fans will swiftly figure out where things are headed…